Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Is that real enough for you"

In the great words of Duck, AKA CYREK, "Is that real enough for you"

I said a lot, but you have yet to understand a word that I have said.
You seem to only be conserned with the thoughts that are in your head,
My actions are softly displayed when I'm trying to address you,
but it's time I take another rout, is that real enough for you.
You came into my room and we started to kiss,
But not only did your lips touch my lips,
Your lips touched mine and my lips were fine,
but when my lips touched yours, you lips left something behind.
I pulled away for you lips had a dreadful taste,
So I worked my way back up to let my lips massage your waist.
You tried to get at me, but I resisted and instead we went to sleep,
As we held each other, I thought to myself, what a task incomplete.
The next day was brand new as you left by bed,
but much to my surprise, later you denied giving me head.
So you try to down play what happen as if it never existed,
So I tell all the news about your bad lips I was never kissin,
A smell so bad, a touch so unclean, a mess if you ask me Cause that's how it seemed
A Job well done, I think not boo, so I only have one thing left to say. Is that real enough for you"

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