Thursday, February 12, 2009

Death vs Life

It's amazing how the death of people in your family and in your circle can make you change your outlook on everything. A lot of death has been around me lately and I'm not so sure about my own life sometimes. I was really wondering what was going on with me last night as I sat in the bed and all of a sudden became depressed and started to cry. I didn't know what was in the happening at that moment, but today, I found out that the very person I was on the phone with explaining it to them had someone die. In the same week an aunt had passed and it has made me realize that life is no joke. I really should cherish those who are good in my life and watch out for those who hinder me from living, mostly myself. I pray for not only my family, but my friends and associates as well. Life is to short to let death kill us so we should live. You were my rock. I'll forever miss u EH, ATB, and PH.

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