Friday, February 27, 2009


I don't know where to start, so I guess I'll start with speaking from my heart.

When I met you, I felt relieved. I felt like I found what was finally going to be it.
I started getting feeling that we all so familiar, but at the same time all so brand new.
I enjoyed spending my time with you and that seemed to be all I wanted to do.
Just to think, I had never paid anyone attention this fast.
I can remember the first time we stood talking for what seems like hours over drinks.
Picking each others minds wondering what each other thinks.
Then it came out. "You know, I had a crush on you" Sometimes the truth can set you free.
It was great to see that the feeling was mutual. It went from there and from then on I didn't care. I didn't care what others thought or what they would say. No outside interference. We spent several weeks just talking and getting to know each other. So now we have our own time and not each others. Things are different now, but I feel no different than I did months ago. So I'll just let life play out. I'm too scared to be in the pursuit of happiness.

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