Friday, December 26, 2008

Today I smile.

Today I smile, and I haven't smiled in a while.
And all because I got a call from my one and only Carlisle.

OK, enough with the rhyming. I was a little upset yesterday because I didn't have someone to share Christmas with, and even more upset because I knew there were others out there that didn't even have their family near them to share Christmas with. As I looked at the Christmas tree that was decorated with the ornaments that me and my ex has saved up and bought for our first Christmas tree together, I started remember how that was the best Christmas I had ever had. There was one thing that stood out the most to me though, two clear crystal angle ornaments that hung next to each other. I was surprised to see them on the tree since they have such a significant meaning. They represent two people that loved each other unconditionally. Two items that were inseparable. They represented me and my ex. I decided to take them with me so that I could have them forever and keep the items together. On the way home, I put them on top of my coat so that they wouldn't roll around and break. When I got home, I opened the door to the car and one of the balls feel out and broke. I was upset for the rest of the night. I sent a message to my ex last night to let them know what had happened. Those angels really meant a lot to me. This morning, when I go to work, I got a call from him. I was so excited to hear his voice. A smile immediately graced my face. We talked on the phone for about 20 minute and I can say I have never been so happy to hear the voice of another individual my entire life. So I'm happy that I can finally have something to smile about again. Today, I smile.

Love you always


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