Sunday, November 2, 2008

Weekend of Thinking.

This weekend, I had my house all to myself. You would have thought that I would have got some rest or enjoyed the hell out of my weekend. I can say the only thing I did different was go to my moms this weekend. I constantly find myself sitting at home, eating, and picking up a bottle. LOL. What is that all about? So Saturday, I decided to call my mom and go home. I put the dog in my car, got some gas, and headed up north. Once I got there, no one was around. I walked into the house and it was dead silence. I went to my aunts and it was scarce too. Finally, I went to my sisters and it was full of excitement. I have three little nephews who are loud and full of energy. I sat down and ate with my dad, whom I haven't seen in months. After that, I went to the store and decided to go home and cook. By the time I finished cooking my grandmother, aunt, mom, and sisters all showed up. I realized that I don't have to be lonely anymore. Although I'm going to hate driving 45 minutes to work everyday, I'm looking forward to getting to know me and my background again. I guess once a foundation has been broken or destroyed, its good to start over from the roots. Sometimes we get too engulfed in this life style. What do I mean by that. Well, I'm only going to speak for myself right after I give this harsh example. Ever meet someone thats all about going to the club, being online, hanging with their friends, sex, drinking, partying, etc.... Thats not me completely. I think once I started experiencing new things, that becomes my life. For instance, I can say that 98% of the people I talk to are males and live the same life that I live. I barely go to the clubs but I don't go to the straight clubs at all. I don't visit my family often. Everything that I do and almost everthing that I talk about has to do with the life. On my birthday, the only straight people that were there was my sister, her boyfriend, and one other gurl. I've got to do better. I end with this for myself Phillings, what ever happened to church? You pray and you go into DEEP prayer, but what happened to the rock.

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